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Dr Omar Lugo - All on 4 in cancún Root Canal, Smile, Design Smile

Your best smile

Cosmetic dentistry deals with the overall cosmetic appearance of the teeth and focuses on improving the appearance of your smile.

Estetica dental Dr Omar Lugo

Improve your appearance and oral health

Improve self confidence

Long lasting effects

It will give you a youthful smile

Dental Veneers o carillas dentales de porcelana o zirconia.


Veneers are cosmetic partial crowns that primarily cover the front of the teeth where there is staining, discoloration, or shape defects. It is a crown-conservative approach, so less tooth structure is prepared compared to a crown. They hide cracks, chips, blemishes, and other cosmetic blemishes to enhance your smile.

The front side of the tooth and a part of the upper surface of the tooth are prepared to a depth of approximately 0.5. An impression is then taken for the fabrication of the veneer.

He will wear a temporary veneer. Once it is ready, it is tried in and cemented onto the tooth.

Teeth whitening

It is a whitening process to lighten the discoloration of the teeth that can result from the consumption of coffee, tea, cola and red wine; or by smoking. The aging process can also stain and darken teeth.

Before deciding if Zoom teeth whitening is right for you, Dr. Lugo will perform a complete examination of your teeth and gums to ensure proper health, as well as discuss your oral hygiene and lifestyle habits with you to determine if will benefit from whitening.

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It is a procedure where a small incision is made inside the mouth, the encapsulated fatty tissue (Bichat Bag) is sought and removed to improve facial features. Creating a more elongated face improving its aesthetic appearance.

Prosthetics and Dental Aesthetics

It depends on the prosthetic restoration and the protocol for its collation.

It depends on the material and the care that the patient has and that he attends his evaluation appointments (every 6 months).

Brush your teeth at least 3 times a day, including the use of dental floss or floss in the routine. Dental irrigators can also be used.
Carry out meticulous checks and dental cleaning every 6 months, with the aim of ensuring its correct maintenance of the rehabilitation.

Indeed. Several dental areas are involved in oral rehabilitation: periodontics, implantology, orthodontics and prosthodontics. A correct combination of all of them is what allows us to recover or restore the smiles of our patients.

To determine if oral rehabilitation is needed, it is necessary for a professional to study your case and assess the circumstances of the patient’s oral condition.
Through an oral evaluation, with the help of x-rays, photos and intraoral scanning, once studied, the different treatments are proposed in order to find the solution that best suits the patient.

To determine if oral rehabilitation is needed, it is necessary for a professional to study your case and assess the circumstances in which your mouth is. Once studied, the different ones are considered and the most appropriate ones for the patient’s oral health are applied.

There are several types of restorations:

1. Dental implants. They are placed when there is a tooth loss. Their objective is to fill the gap left by that tooth so that there are no serious consequences in the jaw or maxilla such as bone resorption.
2. Resins. This restoration is intended for teeth with caries. It is used to seal the tooth.
3. Inlays, onlays and veneers/crowns. They are used to rehabilitate teeth that have lost a large part of their dental crown and sometimes have previously undergone endodontics.
4.Dental veneers. They are thin sheets of porcelain or composite that are used to solve inequalities in size and shape and fractures in the teeth, as well as to hide dental stains. They adhere to the teeth on the outside and improve their aesthetics.
5. Dentures. They are replicas of the dental arch that replace damaged teeth and that can be placed in a fixed or removable way.

An oral rehabilitation can be done completely or partially, depending on the number of damaged teeth that the patient presents. There are times when all the teeth of the upper or lower arch, or even both, are in poor condition, so they need to be replaced so that the patient can recover the functionality of his mouth. In those cases, a complete oral rehabilitation is performed. If you only have to rehabilitate one or more pieces, it is called partial oral rehabilitation.

Oral rehabilitation is the branch of dentistry that allows to recover the masticatory and aesthetic function of teeth that have fallen, fractured or are very worn. The factors that cause the teeth to be in this state are very varied, we recommend going to the consultation of a professional who will assess your case and design a treatment plan tailored to you.

Contact your next smile designer

Telephone: +1 888 642 5808 

WhatsApp: +52 998 769 4363

Monday – Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. – 02:00 p.m.

Boulevar Luis Donaldo Colosio # 310 Local 45
Colonia Residencial Cumbres CP. 77560, Cancún, MX.

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