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Zygomatic implants in Cancún

We design and rehabilitate your smile with the best technology in dental implants in Cancun, with extensive experience in All on 4 in Mexico.


We have one of the most experienced surgeons in this technique, providing this treatment daily to patients suffering from severe bone loss.


Our Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Dr. Omar Lugo, has never turned away a patient despite having bone loss. Thanks to modern advances in the field of zygomatic implants, patients who have previously been told that they are not candidates for conventional dental implants or who must settle for removable dentures can be successfully treated with just surgery.
+ Info

Before after Dental Implants in Cancún

The best alternative for dental implants for patients with bone wear are zygomatic implants, which provide a higher rate of adaptability to dental implants for our patients who have difficulty with dental implants. This procedure is performed in the city of Cancun, Mexico.

We are unique for you!

Your procedure is unique

Dr. Omar Lugo will plan your case in a personalized way, and will analyze how the bone is in height, width and bone density.

Say goodbye to pain

Successfully treat chronic jaw pain and open bite, restore the naturalness of your bite and your confidence when smiling.

A natural aesthetic

Your dental pieces will look and feel natural and with an appearance according to your face.

Improve quality of life

If you have lost your teeth, an upper and lower All-on-4 will be a good solution,

Why are we the best?

Our philosophy focused on exceeding the expectations of our patients, leads us to improve our services and level of specialization in dental implants every day and live the smiles of our patients.

Our experience in advanced procedures in dental implants in Cancun.

Sedation dentistry

Cad Cam lab in house

Specialized doctors

Advanced dental technology

Transparent prices

Excellent location

Dental Implats

It is important to follow the instructions indicated by the surgeon to the letter, avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, maintain adequate oral hygiene, avoid making high-demand physical efforts, take medications as indicated and go to your control appointment.

After oral and/or maxillofacial surgery, it is recommended to sleep with pillows on your back in a semi-sitting position, and apply ice to the facial region in order to reduce inflammation that occurs after surgery.

For the prevention of bad dental positions it is recommended to go to a dental office in early stages of our age, which is when the eruption of permanent teeth occurs, it is important to carry out evaluations by means of radiographic images to observe the position of the teeth, as well How to make an adequate diagnosis and treatment of maxillary orthopedics and orthodontics if necessary.

Patients suffering from type 1 and/or 2 diabetes, it is important that they keep glucose levels controlled to avoid complications in healing after surgery as well as the rejection of dental implants that are placed, a patient who generally maintains adequate glycemic control It does not present complications to perform dental implant surgery.

It is important to go to a first assessment to determine the indications prior to surgery since each case must be addressed individually, most of the time we request routine blood tests to avoid surgical complications and in special cases consultation with others is required. specialist doctors to make the procedure safe for the patient.

This depends on the type of surgery that is performed, as well as the skill and experience of the surgeon, but normally the time ranges in surgery are from 30 min to 3 hours. It is important to see certified professionals to avoid complications during or after surgery. surgery, and they come to know that the surgeon has the ability to solve them.

There is no specific age to carry out surgery, rather it depends on the type of pathology that is present and requires surgical treatment, there are pathologies that appear at an early age and others that appear during the growth and development of the patient. The important thing is to follow the diagnosis and planning protocols for surgery, as well as to ensure the adequate state of general health on the part of the patient or, if there are previous diseases, to verify that they are under medical treatment and under control to avoid complications.

There is no treatment that lasts for life, however dental implants are the best tool to replace missing teeth, reporting up to 98% in the success rate, restoring function and aesthetics to patients, it is recommended to go to control appointments to carry out an adequate follow-up and monitoring of the tissues that are related to dental implants, as well as the type of prosthesis used in each case in order to guarantee a long life and success in this type of treatment.

Contact your next smile designer

Phone: +1 888 642 5808

WhatsApp: +52 998 769 4363 

Monday – Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. – 02:00 p.m.

Boulevar Luis Donaldo Colosio # 310 Local 45
Colonia Residencial Cumbres CP. 77560, Cancún, MX.

Location in Google Maps

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